稲葉高志 (ウーニーポンポンカウカウ・オーナー)
2006年から国際アートプロジェクト:PUZZLE PROJECT(http://puzzle-project.org/)を企画運営。
2008年から2012年までArtist Space CEROのチーフとして運営に参加。
2012年~2014年MI Galleryのディレクション協力。
2014年大阪にpad GALLERY(http://www.pad-gallery.com/)をオープン。(菩須彦、美和いちこと共同運営)
INABA began to make his art works by self-education from 1988.
He started to make the mirror art works by his original technique from 1998.
The concept of his art works is "consideration about substance".
He founded "unipon2kau2" in 1993, and founded the international art project "PUZZLE PROJECT" in 2006.
2008 - 2012, the chief of Artist Space CERO that was established in 2008.
Since 2009, co-organizer of the art event "P.A.D.".
2012 - 2014, co-director of MI Gallery.
Since 2014, he founded pad GALLERY with BOSS'HIKO and Miwa Ichiko in Osaka, Japan.